Click-able: Vamvakou with eyes closed!

Click-able: Vamvakou with eyes closed!

Vamvakou Clock

A Blindfold Photography Workshop is coming to Vamvakou Experience Festival. It is about an inclusive photography workshop with eyes closed that frees imagination from the predominance of eyesight and activates hearing, smell, touch and the sense of the atmosphere through our largest sense organ, our skin. The educational programme Click-able is addressed to individuals with or without visual impairment and to professional and amateur photographers interested in exploring new aspects of the art of photography. Participants will get trained in adapted photography techniques guided by specialised instructors and will practice the method of blindfold photography, while they will have the chance to test their skills outdoors, using their digital camera or the camera of their mobile phone.

The goals of the workshop are:

– To explore Vamvakou in alternative ways and bring out its beauty in a creative way.

– To give the chance to individuals with visual impairment to get familiar with and get trained in photography techniques, as well as enhance them with skills that can support their means of expression.

– To train professional or amateur photographers on new adapted photography techniques.

– To raise awareness around matters of inclusion in culture through a hands-on educational process.

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