“Vamvakou, Laconia: my homeland”, Dimitris Kyriazis, LiFO

“Vamvakou, Laconia: my homeland”, Dimitris Kyriazis, LiFO

A new column on travel, different places and the lifestyle of their residents in LiFO. Remarkable stories of people who live…differently. One such story is ours and journalist Dimitris Kyriazis had an interview with us for Lifo’s column. We talked about our homeland, the reasons that brought us to Vamvakou, the distinctive characteristics of the village, its landmarks, our favorite spots and experiences not to be missed. We shared, among others, our stories, secrets and habits but also the difficulties we have encountered.

“Moving from a big city to a village of thirty inhabitants is neither a panacea nor does it provide a solution to the entirety of the problems encountered in urban centers. Moreover, solely taking the decision is not enough; it is necessary to explore how this change will be sustainable and will form an ongoing project with no end date.”

Read the full article here: