A cultural event that refers to the custom of “finding love in old days, inspired by the wedding ceremonies in Vamvakou”; a cultural event focusing on folk culture based on speech, visuals and sound, accompanied by an 8-member orchestra playing folk instruments, Dilberaki and a group of dancers / actors.

How to find Love in Life
Research – Artistic supervision – Presentation: Dr Stavros Spiliakos, Academic Researcher
Research – Recording: Mata Galata, Professor
Dilberaki: Vasiliki Kikili, vocals | Giorgos Aggelopoulos, vocals | Kostas Polymenakos, clarinet & flute | Kostas Kikilis, violin | Kostas Sideris, lute | Nektarios Palmos, percussion | Stella Valasi, santoor
With the participation of the Dance Association “I Pirihi”, the Parochial Chorus of Anogia and Maro Houpi- Georga
Addressed to all