Kostis Maraveyas in Vamvakou

Kostis Maraveyas in Vamvakou


Kostis Maraveyas is coming to Vamvakou Experience Festival 2023 with a big concert, a party, a feast of joy, emotion, carefree mood, dance and singing. All together in the yard of the school of Vamvakou, lying on the grass, standing and hugging, with summer in our hearts!

Through the melodies and songs performed, we will remember, laugh, get emotional and, mostly, leave at the end of the evening more lighthearted and cheerful than ever, with a smile on our face and a sweet memory from this summer.

Starting from the studio with his song “Forgotten coming-of-age” [Ξεχασμένη ενηλικίωση], his new album, and with our favourite songs from his discography, as well as his own favourite songs in versions that he arranges and sings, Maraveyas makes it to Vamvakou so that we can all become part of a big concert-celebration with a widespread mood to resist to the negativism, anxiety and uncertainty of everyday life. “To escape from unripe days…”

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